Here, you can find most frequently asked questions. If your question is not included, please feel free to send us an email to and we will answer as soon as possible.
1Who are your customers and why do they do a loyalty test?
We are contacted by men and women who want to bring certainty back into their lives and their relationship. Many of them suffer from the uncertainty of whether their partner is cheating on them, hiding something, or is willing to have contact with others. In most instances, clients are also burdened with previous or even current relationships, or have had their trust broken. Perhaps there have already been some incidents, such as intense contact via social media, cheating, or explicit text messages. Others want to be certain that their partner is the right one before making big decisions in their lives, such as getting married, sharing an apartment, or planning to have children.
2In which countries do you conduct loyalty tests?
We conduct our loyalty tests all over the world. With more than 3,000 testers, we are active worldwide.
3How much does a loyalty test cost?
SMS/WhatsApp Test: from $49
Tinder Check: $54
Phone Test: $104
SMS + Phone-test: from $144
Email Test: $159
Social Media Test: from $219
Face-to-Face: price on request
Semen Detection Test Lab: from $214
Semen Detection Test HomeKit: $139

Additional Service:
Express: from $25
Requested Date: $25
Voice Message: $7/message
Sending a Photo: $7/message
Video Call: $169
Foreign Language: $44
Foreign Number: $29
You can pay safely with: Apple Pay, PayPal, credit card, or bank transfer.
4Which loyalty tests do you offer?
Different tests are offered, including via SMS/WhatsApp, phone, email, social media, SMS + phone, Tinder, and even face-to-face meetings. Depending on the customer's wishes, we pursue different goals (e.g., exchanging phone numbers, arranging a date, or exchanging messages via SMS, WhatsApp, or Facebook).

We also offer sperm detector tests in the laboratory and for at-home use.
5Can I choose the tester and how many testers do you have?
Discretion is important to us. For this reason, it is not possible for you to select a tester yourself. When placing an order, you can provide information about appearance, age, and interests of the tester and we will select a tester who matches your information as closely as possible.

We have more than 3,000 testers in our database, and this number is growing every day. We have women and men from 18 to 70 years old, with different looks and interests.
6What proof do I receive and how long do I have to wait for the test result?
In the case of a SMS/WhatsApp, email, and social media tests, you will receive the result in the form of screenshots of the message history by email. In the case of a phone test and face-to-face meetings, you will receive a report based on a memory record of the tester by email. For legal reasons, we cannot provide you with photos or video recordings.

You will receive the report as soon as we can provide you with the relevant evidence. Usually, you will receive the report within 14 work days, with interim reports in advance if necessary. If you choose the express service, your test will start within 12, 24, or 36 hours, depending on the chosen package, after we have received your payment. You will also receive your report sooner.
7 Do you reveal that the conversation was a loyalty test at the end?
We do not reveal that the conversation was a loyalty test under any circumstances, regardless of the outcome. We leave it up to you to decide if you want to confront your partner with the result.

Order & Payment

1How can I order a test?
You can order our SMS/WhatsApp, Tinder, phone, email, SMS + phone, social media, and sperm detection test 24/7 in our online shop. For a face-to-face meeting and observation, it is necessary that you contact us in advance by email (, by phone, or via the contact form on our website.
2I have to enter my personal details when I place my order. Will I also receive letters from you?
You will not receive any letters from us (with the exception of the Sperm Detection Test HomeKit). We will only contact you via email.
3Which payment methods are available?
We strive to make the payment process as easy as possible. That is why we provide a variety of payment methods, including Apple Pay, PayPal, credit card, and bank transfer.
4What information do you need to perform the test?
Following your order, you will receive an order confirmation by email that contains a link to a questionnaire in which you can enter all necessary information.