Please fill in all required fields. If it is not possible for you to send the form (the wheel turns continuously when sending), please send us screenshots of the form by email.
Have you commissioned us before? (required field) YesNo
If yes: When was the last test and should the same person be tested?
When can we start the test? (Date) (required field)
Your date of the test is within the next 14 days (required field): I explicitly agree that the test should be started within the next 14 days. If I order express processing, my right of withdrawal will expire with immediate effect. If I do not order express processing, I will lose my right of withdrawalbefore the end of the withdrawal period of 14 days when the contract is completely fulfilled by LOYALTY TESTER.
—Please choose an option—YesNo
I confirm explicitly that the person to be tested is my partner or that I am in the process of a virtual or real relationship. (required field) —Please choose an option—YesNo
Purpose of the test (What is the goal? What would you like to know?) (required field)
Name, First name (required field)
Street address (required field)
ZIP, City (required field)
Country (required field)
You will not receive any letters from us. You will receive all information, such as the order confirmation and the test protocol, exclusively by email. Please enter an email address to which the test person does not have access. If necessary, set up a free e-mail address, e.g. at Gmail
Your Email address (required field)
Your phone
best time for callback
First name
Gender —Please choose an option—femalemaledivers
Email address (only necessary for email test)
Phone (only necessary for SMS/WhatsApp-, telephone- oder combi-test)
For SMS/WhatsApp, telephone or combi test: Do you want a random or direct contact? randomdirect
For SMS/WhatsApp, telephone or combi test: If you like that your partner will be contacted directly, please indicate where and when your partner was seen last.
User name and social media network or direct link to the profile, e.g. Loyalty Tester on Facebook (only necessary for chat test).
What type of woman or man should be the loyalty tester? Describe the appearance and important interests. (required field)
Should the loyalty tester speak a particular language fluently/be very good at writing?
Last place where you were together with your partner, where a "stranger" could have found your partner "great"?
important message
How did you hear about us? ( required field) GoogleFacebookInstagramFriendsRadioTVnewspaper/magazinePodcastothers